Most people can agree that they feel most loyal to a brand when the business representing them is engaging, serves the community, provides high-quality products and services, and retains a professional and enthusiastic staff.
While high-quality products and services speak for themselves, the other aspects of what people look for when they seek out businesses can be harder to display in a storefront.
So how do you bridge the gap between what your business does every day and reaching potential new customers?
One of the best answers is social media.
How to Choose From 65 Different Social Media Platforms?
Today, there are over 65 different social media platforms, so it can be intimidating for businesses to choose which ones work best for them. The trusted social media team at Link Right Media has written out this two-part guide to help you choose the best social media platforms to connect with your customers.
Use Local Data and Competitor Research Using Google Trends
DFW Metroplex – Top Business Social Platforms Searched
We have also included information on how to best use these platforms so that you can not only hit your business goals but surpass them. Here is what you need to know:
1. Facebook and Facebook Ads

Facebook is one of the largest (and some would argue the most effective) social media platforms out there. With over 2.8 billion users and 1.84 billion daily active users, Facebook is an excellent avenue to connect your business to potential customers.
Facebook is a great way to interact with your clients and gives you a place to highlight the best parts of your business, whether that’s a new product or unique information about your staff.
The best part:
Facebook is geared to fit any business platform.
How to Best Use Facebook to Grow Your Customer Base
Facebook has several features that get you in front of your customers and allow them to reach out to you. By creating a Facebook business page, you can let users on Facebook know what your business hours are, link to your website, and make posts about the amazing things your company is doing.
You can show off projects, share company or industry-related news, or even highlight special products or company events. The best way to make Facebook effective for your company is to keep the account active and fresh with new ideas.
Facebook Ads are another great way to reach potential customers, as they place your information in front of individuals who are looking for services or products like the ones you sell. However, while effective, Facebook ads do require a budget as you have to pay to use them, and they require time and planning to be effective.
How to Effectively Use Facebook Ads
Facebook ads make use of an algorithm that determines which users your campaign will most effectively reach. This is done through tracking pixels which keep track of when users go onto your website. The algorithm runs in the background, determining whether or not that user should see your ads again in the future. This isn’t entirely automatic, though; tracking pixels need to be added to your site for this to work.
If you use pop-ups or email campaigns on your website, these tracking pixels along with Facebook ads can help you grow your potential customer base, which will in turn lead to more sales. Putting your business in front of individuals looking for services like yours while also maintaining a recognizable and reputed presence is the strongest way to gain a loyal following.
2. Instagram-Worthy

Another widely popular social media platform is Instagram. This social media platform sprang into the scene in 2010 and gained over 1 million followers within the first two months of its initial launch. Today, Instagram has over 1 billion active users and continues to make headway in both individual and business use. Unlike Facebook which relies heavily on sharing news, videos, and sometimes pictures, Instagram is purely visual.
A picture is worth a thousand words, and this is especially true when it comes to businesses. This is why Instagram is a highly effective platform for many different types of businesses. It shows off a brand’s unique voice, their products, services in action, and when used correctly, can lead to strong leads.
How to Gain an Instagram Following
The thing about Instagram is that you have to be on top of your game when it comes to posting. Instagram, like Twitter, moves quickly and with billions of users posting every day, it takes an aggressive posting schedule to maintain potential customers’ attention. So what should you be posting?
- Before and after photos
- Inside/outside your work space
- Your employees at work
- Photos of company events
- Customers enjoying the fruits of your labor
- New products
If your business is set up to shop mobile, you can incorporate your online store with Instagram. This allows individuals who fall in love with your products to easily hit the checkout icon, which will direct them to your website.
For construction businesses, such as roofing and pool construction, posting photos of your work can increase interest, allow individuals to fall in love with your finished projects, and think of your business the next time they need service.
3. The Power of the Tweet; Twitter

Twitter has been in the news recently as politicians and celebrities share their world views on this small platform. With a brilliant marketing strategy of limiting the number of characters, Twitter has ensured that only the important information is spotlighted.
This helps keep out the fluff and gets information to individuals quickly. Businesses can benefit from Twitter by implementing Twitter ads, engaging with followers, and making use of the free targeting capabilities of the “#” and the “@”.
How Can I Make Sure My Tweet Isn’t Buried?
There is one major downside to Twitter. It is highly competitive. The average lifespan of a single tweet is about 18 minutes. This is because users are constantly posting, which drives tweets farther and farther down the abyss. Ensuring your voice doesn’t get lost in the endless chatter is tricky but not impossible. Engagement is the answer.
Engaging with your customers and other like businesses ensures that your voice stands out and is constantly present. Building brand awareness means putting yourself out there and sharing information and stories that resonate with your customers.
Twitter Engagement Best Practices
- Make sure you’re posting multiple times a day to stay relevant
- Share articles, news, or highlight cool stories from your team.
- Share a cool new construction build you are working on, advancements in technology for your industry, or team accomplishments such as awards or events
- Increase your online presence by asking your customers questions and inviting them to tweet your blogs or news with “click-to-tweet” feature on your website or other social media campaigns
- Whatever you decide to post and share, remember that it needs to be consistent. With only 18 minutes to make an impact, the more you put your business out there, the more your voice will be heard.
Not Sure Your Business Has Time to Keep Up With a Social Media Campaign? Let Link Right Media Help!
The social media team at Link Right Media is passionate about connecting your business with the customers who need you. We make sure that your content is engaging, exciting, and highlights the best parts of your business. Bring traffic to your website, get your customers talking about you, and boost your sales by allowing our team to implement social media campaigns that will have you trending. Contact our team for more information about our social media services or to schedule a consultation!